Name: Zaidan Hasan Muhammad Darmasakti

Class: XII MIPA 8 (36)

Novel Review

Book Title: Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel

Author: James Luceno

Pages: 352

Publisher: Del Rey Books

Publication Date: 15 November 2016


A long time ago in a galaxy far far away…

 During the Clone Wars period, Republic forces wage war against the Separatist terrorists that invaded planets and systems to seize power and control. Meanwhile, on a snowy planet, a group of Republic scientists are working on a moon-sized battle station powered to destroy enemy fleets and armies.

 Alas, the scientists are in peril when Separatist troops invaded and seized control of the planet. A few scientists were captured and detained by them. The head of the scientist, Galen Erso, and his wife, Lyra Erso, gave birth to a daughter named Jyn Erso in prison.

 A few days later, the Erso family were rescued by Lieutenant Commander Orson Krennic and his Galactic Republic forces that destroyed the Separatist base on the snowy planet. Feeling gratitude, Galen and his family thanked the lieutenant for saving them. In return, Krennic and the military offered and persuaded Galen to work on the battle station project on Planet Lokori.

 A few months passed, the Erso family were struggling to live in Lokori, which was usually under attack by the Separatists on a regular basis. One day, the Separatists were stopped when nearly completely besieging the planet. Their droid army was shut down and their people surrendered. Little did they know, the Clone Wars has ended, along with major events happening within the galaxy.

 The Republic converted into an empire, the Separatist leadership has been slain, and the Jedi were massacred by the nascent empire. After the war was finished, Galen and his family moved to Coruscant to live a happy life. On the planet Coruscant, Krennic was waiting for Galen to complete his research on studying kyber crystals. These crystals were exquisite, powered Jedi lightsabers, and had enough energy to annihilate anything with great power.

 Galen learned dark secrets behind the battle station project Krennic and his colleagues were working on. It was revealed that the secret project was to embed kyber crystals in the battle station to destroy planets with minimal ease. Galen secretly left the project and went into exile with his family on Planet Lah’mu.


 The novel leads with a clear narrated timeline that allows the reader to tell when the events are happening. This book also narrates the exciting perspective journey of a family struggling their way into the galaxy as war and terror continues.


 This book is extremely long to read and contains language that is hard to be understood by younger readers. Also, the book is quite insightful in only half of the story. Most characters and places are hard to be remembered by non-Star Wars fans.


 We should not work for a cruel organization/force that takes benefits from other people. With great power comes great responsibility. 

Final review:

 This book is suitable for juniors, adults, and Star Wars fans alike. Also, the story is consistent with the Star Wars movies, hence it is marked canon by the Star Wars franchise. The novel is full of journeys with new faces and planets in the Star Wars universe.


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